No, it’s not new, technically. It’s the NorthEast Wisconsin Zoo, in Suamico. That’s where I spent part of my Thursday last week. Tuck suggested it, and honestly, when she did… I nearly fainted. Not because I’m deathly afraid of zoos, but Tuck isn’t what some might call, an “animal” person. But maybe because these bad boys were all in cages, it would be OK. Alright, so, we waltz into the place around 1pm on a Thursday afternoon. Let me tell you. We were the oldest ones there… without a stroller. Never fear, we made the best of it. Armed with cameras — we set off, with a map in hand (don’t want to get lost… it’s a jungle in there!) Here are some of our “best” moments.

So, I made Tuck pose with this wooden wold-sculpture thing. She’d kill me if she knew I posted this picture on here. Good thing she’s not a reader of this wonderful thing I call my blog.

So, one of the most awesome things ever… is the fact that you can feed the two giraffes there. A buck buys you two crackers. And those suckers just march right up to the elevated platform there — and with their black tongues (yuck!) eat the food right out of your hand!! It’s so cool. I’m so proud of Tuck for doing it. As you can see, I caught her frantically pulling away her hand after the beast licked her fingers. Ha.

Here’s me, feeding Mr. Billy Goat. Actually, I think he’s Mr. Pygmy Goat. Either way, this little guy was aaaaggressive. He didn’t want to share the little pellets with any of his goat-buddies. Greedy little bastard. Oh well, as you can see, I gave in to his needs. I’m a sucker.

And here’s us self-portrait-ing with the stone lion. Rarr.

I’m glad I can be a 26-year-old who still appreciates a good afternoon at the zoo. Thank God for red-butted monkeys.