Welp, by Sunday night, I had convinced myself I had cervical cancer and only had three months to live.

Good thing the nurse called the next day and had another fate for me. Phew. Apparently the tissue the doctor took from my cervix had severe dysplasia. But, the doctor says she got it all. My Lady Bits are allegedly in the clear, for now. I go back in for a follow-up, then I’m sure subsequent Paps will be in order, probably one every three months or so.

I’m oh-so-relieved. I don’t think I was ready to kick-it just yet.

Only bad part — I started working out again (including running) the Friday after my surgery. I only gave myself 3 days to heal. Apparently that isn’t enough. I’m an idiot. Just when I though my Business was healing up just fine… BAM, I’m bleeding again like someone stabbed my Clam with an ice pick. Oh, and remember, people… I’m wearing pads. Sick. So, by orders of Eric and my Mom — I’m not working out the rest of this week. Which really puts a hamper on my half-marathon training. Ah well, I guess health comes before CellCom Halfer. Sometimes you’ll have that.

At least my Jine-Ur will back  in working order soon enough.

Just in time for my period. Sweet.