Two things I saw at the Y today that made me laugh:

1: I was washing my hands after lifting — threw my paper-towel in the trash… and saw a medium Wendy’s Frosty. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love me some chocolate Frosty (and I know my Frosty sizes, people.)… but if you’re going to eat those hundreds of calories, wouldn’t you NOT eat it on the way to the Y — or on the way out? Really… and just because you work out doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. A lot of people think that way… I’m guilty of it too at times. But in order to lose weight, your calorie intake must be less than what you’re burning. Plain and simple. Frostys — no matter when you scarf them down… won’t help a sister lose those lbs. Again, not condoning Frostys. I heart them, too. I just hide my evidence a little better.

2: People who light up that cigarette as soon as they walk out the doors of the Y. Really, people? Again, defeating the damn purpose. Working out = good. Smoking those Virginia Slims the second you leave the place = mental. Whatevs, it’s your body. Do with it what you wish. Just know I’m judging you.