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Alright. Before the crucifying starts about not blogging since, oh, OCTOBER, let me explain. I work overnights. I sit at a computer for 9 hours. I sleep from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. From that time in the afternoon until the time I go to work (9:30 p.m.) I have to find time to: workout, eat food, shower, do misc. chores around the apartment, spend time with the boyfriend and keep friendships up and running. So yeah, no offense, I found it difficult to sit in front of a computer (again) and blog. But here I am. It’s Friday. My weekend. My short, but glorious weekend. I cherish these two days. Which, really, is like a day and a half. Because I sleep for half of Friday… then, have to nap before work on Sunday night. Blah. Why did I agree to this schedule again? Oh yeah, because I’m a sucker. Suh-cur.

Well, I thought I’d start with a list of things that have happened since I’ve been absent from the blogging world.

My brother turned 23, I had my 6-month teeth cleaning, one of my favorite co-workers landed a gig in KY and I attended his going-away party, I celebrated 4 years with Eric, I golfed at a par 3 course and didn’t suck too bad, I went to the State Fair haunted house (it was scarier than hell. And hell is pretty scary.), I dressed as John McCain for Halloween (Eric was Sarah P. yeah, we didn’t vote for them, and I was the guy, that’s what made it funny), attended two Halloween parties, decided dressing up on Halloween makes the holiday that much better, realized I don’t like it when people just “stop by” unannounced, went to a baseball banquet then a bachelor party (that’s right, I said bachelor), saw said bachelor get married and attended his reception, went to a Packers game in November (one word: cold.), turned 27, had a birthday dinner with my cute-as-a-button prego girlfriend, worked on Thanksgiving but hosted dinner at Hotel Smithenreiter anyway, went out in Muk-town with my wonderful lady-friends, went to a Bucks game and for $30 a piece — Eric and I ate all-we-could-eat nachos, hot dogs, soda and popcorn, went and looked at a few houses the BF and I could potentially purchase (shudder. so adult.), made nut roll with my Mom, met my TV-2 gal-pals for fondue in Appleton, my brother graduated from UW-W, got drunk on Christmas Eve with my family, celebrated my first Christmas (on Christmas Day) with Eric, worked Christmas Day night, went shopping for the first time on Black Friday, decided to run a half-marathon again in May, got an iPod nano (it’s my pink baby. how did I ever run without it?), had an abnormal pap and have scheduled surgery so I can have babies someday… and don’t get cervical cancer, got pink eye (am I four-years-old?), celebrated Christmas on January 23rd with a dear friend, decided that I’m going to spend Christmas ’09 with Eric and his family down in Florida at a timeshare (don’t worry, Mama K gets my time, too), have a new-found love for orange juice (pulp-free) and bought a pair of slippers and wonder why I didn’t buy them sooner.


Did you get all that?

Good thing I write all that stuff down, huh?

Alright, I’ll TRY and be more vigilant about blogging. Lord knows I have enough CRAP to talk about. I work overnights. I get crazy calls. (ie: “How do I get a hold of Phil Collins?” “I think there was an oil spill in the sky!”)

Glad I’m back.

We’re holding out.

Our thermostat has sat in the OFF position for some time now. Eric and I are boycotting the heat. We have extra clothes. It’s cheaper than what the electric bill would be, should we decide to kick on the heat. Needless to say, it’s a chilly 62 degrees in here. I don’t know if you know what 62 degrees feels like in a home. It’s cold. We even have an upstairs. It’s cold up there, too. We sleep with 23 blankets on the bed and pray that we don’t wake up with icicles on our noses. Originally, we said we were going to try and make it without heat until Nov. 1st. Well, kiddos, that’s this weekend. It’s supposed to get pretty nice the next week or so (My weather-friends are saying 68 degrees on Election Tuesday!!!)

So, now, I have a new goal. Eric nervously laughed at me when I suggested it. “Let’s try and make it till Thanksgiving!!” I’m dreaming big… and I might sustain substantial frostbite in the process — but it’s worth a shot. Now, it’s more a matter of will. I’d feel like I’d be letting myself down if I switch that knob to “Heat: On.” We’ll see.

Heck, it’s pretty damn nice out today. just a tshirt and sweats coming out of the gym. I walked into my apartment… pretty sure it’s colder in here than it is outside. I actually walked outside… just to warm up.

Well, for a girl who sweats as much as I do (really, I do. I sweat. Like a man.)… the chilly apartment isn’t so bad.

Two things I saw at the Y today that made me laugh:

1: I was washing my hands after lifting — threw my paper-towel in the trash… and saw a medium Wendy’s Frosty. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love me some chocolate Frosty (and I know my Frosty sizes, people.)… but if you’re going to eat those hundreds of calories, wouldn’t you NOT eat it on the way to the Y — or on the way out? Really… and just because you work out doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. A lot of people think that way… I’m guilty of it too at times. But in order to lose weight, your calorie intake must be less than what you’re burning. Plain and simple. Frostys — no matter when you scarf them down… won’t help a sister lose those lbs. Again, not condoning Frostys. I heart them, too. I just hide my evidence a little better.

2: People who light up that cigarette as soon as they walk out the doors of the Y. Really, people? Again, defeating the damn purpose. Working out = good. Smoking those Virginia Slims the second you leave the place = mental. Whatevs, it’s your body. Do with it what you wish. Just know I’m judging you.

Alright Kimmy, I get it. Billy Hall isn’t the best (or even close to being the best) player on the Brewers roster. I never said he was good. I just like to look at him (minus the chew).

Anyways, I wore my Hall t-shirt Wednesday. The team lost. So, I said to myself, “Self, let’s not wear the Hall shirt anymore on game-day because they lost last Saturday against the Cubs and Wednesday’s loss wasn’t pretty.”

Well, on Sunday (when the team got the wild card spot, I was sporting a pair of pink slipper-gripper booties on my feet. My Mom picked them up for me at They’ve got the Brewers logo on them. Super cute. So, I wore them Sunday — and the team won. It was huge.

So, when it was time to pick out my gear for Thursday night — I left the Hall t-shirt folded up, and whipped out the pink booties.  I was out in public, so…I paired them up with my clogs. No, not Crocs, my Birks.

Needless to say, my booties did jack-squat for my superstition of wearing the same things after a big win.

So, when they play tomorrow — maybe I’ll just leave all my Brew Crew gear at home.

I’ll say it’s Opposite Day.

Keep your fingers crossed — if the Brewers go oh-and-three…and shamefully get knocked out of the playoffs, I might kick and scream like a two-year-old.

I know. I’m mature.

I’m not one for bandwagons.  But I don’t need to reiterate, we’re in some tough economic times. And I don’t care if you watched a single Brewers game this season… the team’s in the frickin’ playoffs. Write it down, etch it in your mind… this might not happen for another 63 years. So, over the course of the next few days, watch the games, love the Brewers and catch the playoffs fever. It’s exciting. I might even tear up a little. I sure did on Sunday when the Brewers game was over… and the Mets lost.

It’s a big deal. Not just for the team, but for a city that’s been waiting… and fans who have been so patient and so willing to ride the season’s rollercoasters.

This is the Brewers’ year. Let’s embrace it.

Go Brew Crew!!!

PS: I’ll be wearing my blue and gold apparel over the next few days. We’ll start today with my Hall t-shirt. I still love him, even if he is a man-whore. (Krista, I shuddered a little when I read your post…ick.) He’s still nice to look at (minus the chew. Blech, dude…switch to gum).

I don’t normally ask things of you…but some mini-prayers would appreciated.

Monday, my Mom found out she’s out of a job come mid-January. Her company was bought out by another one… and they’re closing the Waukesha branch (the one my Mom’s at). She’s worked there 14 years. I checked. That’s a long time. Now, at age 52, she’s gotta start looking for a new gig.  I feel terrible for her, but ya know what, we’re a strong bunch…we’ll get her right over this hurdle. I’ve offered up a few suggestions of new jobs: Diamond Dancer (for the Milwaukee Brewers), party planner (she’s pretty good at e-vites), professional Mom (obvious… but Lord knows I’m not payin’ her, I hardly have enough cash for myself) or Pottery Barn sales associate (I hear the discount is A-OK. She thought, maybe she could open up a Red Lobster. She loves the biscuits. I’m not sure a love of carbs is enough to do it…but the thought crossed her mind.

Then, my Mom got a phone call last night from my Aunt. My cousin (who’s my age) just lost her job, too. Same sort of thing…someone new (from an outside company) came in…and basically started handin’ out pink slips.

Seriously, people. With the state of our economy, people can’t afford to be losing jobs like this. Everyday, you hear about another company going under, cutting hundreds of jobs.

I don’t normally get on my political soapbox, but here’s my one rant…Bush is all “job creation this, and more American jobs that,” but where the hell is it? We NEED something different in the White House. That different is Senator Barack Obama. Gosh. I’ll sure think about jumpin’ off the Hoan if McCain is elected.

Lord help us all…

So yeah, that’s my plea for prayers. And when you pray, don’t just do it for my Mom and my cousin, Michele… do it for all the workers, who have families or bills piling up…and are now facing unemployment.

No, I’m not talking about my fashion sense, (Lord knows I don’t have that.) rather, my new way of living. For the next two months or so (cross your fingers it isn’t much longer than that), I’ll be working overnights. Yes, 10pm ’till 7am. O.ver.nights. I know, I shuddered, too. Over the past two weeks or so, we’ve had a lot of turn-around at the stations. A lot of producers are leaving (know anybody who needs a job?!) and there are a shit-ton of gaps to fill… and, well, not enough people to do it.

I’m trying to stay really positive about the whole thing. One perk, I’ll have weekends off. Friday night fish fry anyone? Saturday night dinners downtown followed by going out for a night cap or two (or four). I’m pretty excited about all that. I haven’t done that stuff, well, since I started here in the MKE.

I’ll still get to see the BF — I think I’ve got my sleep schedule plotted out, where I’ll sleep morning to afternoon…then, be up around the time he gets home — eat dinner, then hang out until 10. He goes to bed, I go to work. Makes sense, no? Eh.

The cons of this position include… well, sleep schedule. It’s weird. I’m such a morning person — yet now, I’ve got to try and fall asleep at 8am. Hmm, it should be interesting. I’ve never been so happy about earplugs and eye-masks to keep the light out.

I see this as a potential for advancement at the station… believe it or not, doing the WakeUp show is like a promotion (hmm, talk to me again in a month and see if I’m still as gung-ho about that idea…), so this is a good thing, right?! RIGHT?! That’s what I thought. (I get snippy when I don’t get enough sleep.)

So, for now, please don’t call me between the hours of 8am and 4pm. Really. I’ll be sleeping. (Not screening my calls, like I normally do.) If you want to get together after 4pm, it’s a done deal. But, I’ve got to be to work at 10pm. I’m like Cinderella. (ella, ella, aey, aey…)

But, if you need someone to talk to you, when you can’t fall back asleep after a pee-break at 3:46am…call me. I’ll be awake. And if I’m not, I’ve probably fallen asleep…on my keyboard.

My friend Jenn has a pig. No, really. She’s got a pig. In just a moment, you’ll meet Parma. She’s a cute, stout Potbelly pig. It sleeps out in the garage on a futon mattress, and when it’s winter, she gets to hop right on Jenn’s monster loveseat (I call it the Snuggler). Right now, Jenn is trying to find a job in San Diego — and when she moves, she probably won’t take Parma. Sad, I know. If you or anyone you know are looking to house a fantastic pig… Parma’s great. And no, you may NOT turn her into tomorrow morning’s breakfast. Ha. I sound like Parma’s agent. Anyways, here’s some pics of the fab pig.

No, it’s not new, technically. It’s the NorthEast Wisconsin Zoo, in Suamico. That’s where I spent part of my Thursday last week. Tuck suggested it, and honestly, when she did… I nearly fainted. Not because I’m deathly afraid of zoos, but Tuck isn’t what some might call, an “animal” person. But maybe because these bad boys were all in cages, it would be OK. Alright, so, we waltz into the place around 1pm on a Thursday afternoon. Let me tell you. We were the oldest ones there… without a stroller. Never fear, we made the best of it. Armed with cameras — we set off, with a map in hand (don’t want to get lost… it’s a jungle in there!) Here are some of our “best” moments.

So, I made Tuck pose with this wooden wold-sculpture thing. She’d kill me if she knew I posted this picture on here. Good thing she’s not a reader of this wonderful thing I call my blog.

So, one of the most awesome things ever… is the fact that you can feed the two giraffes there. A buck buys you two crackers. And those suckers just march right up to the elevated platform there — and with their black tongues (yuck!) eat the food right out of your hand!! It’s so cool. I’m so proud of Tuck for doing it. As you can see, I caught her frantically pulling away her hand after the beast licked her fingers. Ha.

Here’s me, feeding Mr. Billy Goat. Actually, I think he’s Mr. Pygmy Goat. Either way, this little guy was aaaaggressive. He didn’t want to share the little pellets with any of his goat-buddies. Greedy little bastard. Oh well, as you can see, I gave in to his needs. I’m a sucker.

And here’s us self-portrait-ing with the stone lion. Rarr.

I’m glad I can be a 26-year-old who still appreciates a good afternoon at the zoo. Thank God for red-butted monkeys.

Well, the wedding happened. No, not mine, silly. The BF’s sister got hitched over the weekend. I wasn’t in the wedding, but I was a darn good helper the day of… so, my reward (that I gave myself) — was several cold beverages after the ceremony. Apparently I didn’t eat enough earlier in the day — to soak up the three beers I guzzled — or the half-glass of champagne that I so elegantly sipped… or the three Jell-O shots I slurped. And folks, that was all before dinner. I had a blast. I made a lot of friends. Everyone, the next day, said I was so damn funny. You see, I’m not an angry or out-of-control, rude drunk… I’m just silly and happy. I paid for my silly and happy the next day, but darn that was a fun time. Here are some pictures of my “fun.” Enjoy.
